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Zhejiang Yite Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. was established in early 2019. It is a professional equipment manufacturer dedicated to energy-saving COs that meet the national environmental protection emission requirements under the conditions of online monitoring.

The company's establishment preparations and technological innovation research started in 2012. After the final goal of technological innovation was confirmed, we joined several universities to research and establish projects. After years of research and development, we have developed new CO equipment that meets the environmental protection requirements of various industries. Applications include enameled wires , Color steel, printing, iron printing, painting and other industries, after matching the CO equipment of our company with the customer's equipment, we can complete 3 goals at one time during the production process: 1. Online monitoring of environmental protection standards; 2. Thermal energy Recycling; 3. Effectively extend catalyst life. At the same time, the application of new CO equipment not only does not increase the operating cost of the enterprise, but can greatly reduce the production cost and environmental protection cost of the manufacturing enterprise.

When Zhejiang Yite Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. was formally established in early 2019, we have experienced more than 7 years of technical reserves, practical applications, and long-term tracking in the market. In the future, Zhejiang Yate Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. will continue to maintain close cooperation between universities and enterprises, continue to perfectly transform the research results of universities into actual production, and contribute to the completion of national energy conservation and emission reduction goals!

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Lianjie Industrial Zone, Zhiying Town, Yongkang City, Zhejiang Province
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